Full Body Measurements Instruction

The table includes full body measurements instruction to help reduce common mistakes that can occur during measurement

Name Description
Armhole Round the armhole
Back Half Length (Bck Hl) From shoulder to back half length
Bust (Bs) Round bust
Bust Point (BS) From shoulder to nipple point
Bust Span (BSP) From one nipple point to another.
Chest point (ChP) Shoulder to upper chest, just before bust point.
Dress Length (DL) From half length to knee, from half length to ankle and from half length to floor. e.g. 20, 42, 45
Half Length (HL) From shoulder to waist
Hip (Hp) Round Hip
Round shoulder (Rsh) Round shoulder
Round UB (RUB) Round Under Bust
Shoulder (Sh) Back shoulder
Skirt Length (SL) From skirt waist to knee, from skirt waist to ankle and from skirt waist to floor. e.g. 22, 43, 48
Sleeve Length Short, half , full e.g. 5, 8, 15
Sleeve Round Short, half, full e.g. 8, 7, 6
Under Bust (UB) From shoulder to under bust
Waist (Ws) Round waist
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